Connemara Tour Wednesday (continued) Back in the tour bus, there were a couple of more stops for photography, with the most attractive being at a roadside falls on the Screeb River just above Lough Aughawoolia. It was funny how many other vehicles stopped there, when they saw that the bus had stopped. We saw that happen when we were on the tour buses both Monday and today. Along the way, Frank told us a lot about the Connemara pony, a show breed which the region is known for, but we only saw a few at a great distance. I was bored during the final stop of the tour at Standún, a very touristy family run store in Spiddal, County Galway and Linda & I went outside looking for photo opportunities. Only to find two Connemara ponies (a mare and a foal) in the lot next door. We got a number of photos which I really liked and were the only ones on the tour to see them.
Back in Galway, we had less than an hour to get supper before the train back to Dublin and just grabbed some hot food at a convenience store. On the way back to Dublin the train was delayed for about 45 minutes by a "bridge strike." Most of us assumed that it was a labor action, only to learn that it meant that a vehicle had hit a overpass used by the train. Usually it is a truck that is too tall to go under the bridge. The trains cannot use it until it is inspected by engineers. That had us returning to Dublin about 10:30PM and we were both grateful that we were staying again at the Hotel Merrick, just a block from Houston Rail Station. |