Nebraska Weekend
March 4-6, 2005
Leaving metropolitan Kansas City late Friday afternoon. I took I-29 up to Rock Port, Missouri, then took secondary roads to Nebraska and up to Nebraska City - the home of Arbor Day. The Wyuka Cemetery in Nebraska City was featured on the Public Television show. Rare Visions and Roadside Revelations

Arbor Day inspired grave markers in Wyuka Cemetery - all the "logs" are man made, many are over 100 years old

roll-top desk grave marker
tree stump headstone
"Arbor Day" was first proposed by J Sterling Morton, who published Nebraska's first newspaper. The first Arbor Day was celebrated on  April 10, 1872, and Nebraska City is the home of the National Arbor Day Association.

The largest marker at the back is the Morton family plot

detail from marker in foreground

"broken limb" detail from Morton family memorial


Daniel Dantt 
"Died at Nebraska City
May 29, 1878
At the time of his death he was honorably serving the
State of Nebraska in the high position of
Chief Justice"
Woodmen of the World Life
Also present in the cemetery are a number of markers erected by the Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society, which was founded by Joseph Cullen Root in nearby Omaha, Nebraska in the late 1800s.

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